



Cupertino High School, Cupertino, CA, SWCOLT, Chinese


九年前,我刚从研究生院毕业就开始了我的教学生涯. 在我教高中的第一年, 我被分配到库比蒂诺高中(63%是亚洲人), 11%的拉丁裔, 非裔美国人占2%),弗里蒙特高中(Fremont High School)亚裔占32%, 44%的拉丁裔, 和3%的非裔美国人), 加州. 我的大多数学生的母语都是英语. Although I had been informed that I was about to experience a harsher reality than anything I had previously known, I still believed that teaching was a conventional profession and that I could leave my work at school and keep my personal and professional lives totally separate. I believed that I could instill the love of learning in my students and that they would somehow be able to forget all the societal challenges they faced in their lives. 然而,在我开始教学生涯之前,上述大多数都没有像我想象的那样实现, I have persevered and still find teaching today as refreshing and energizing as the first day that I stepped into my first classroom.

虽然我确信我接受了最好的教师培训课程, 我逐渐认识到,教学本身就是一个不断进化的过程. 我清楚地记得,我教书的第一年让我不知所措, 缺乏方向和应对可克服的压力. 我开始绝望地寻求我在当地能找到的任何帮助. 几个月后,我偶然发现了斯坦福世界语言计划(SWLP), 一个专门为支持世界语言和文化教师而设计的专业学习计划. 自从发现SWLP以来, I have become a committed member of this professional learning community and it has become the bedrock of my professional growth as both a teacher of Chinese language and culture as well as a member of the teaching profession. 我已经成功完成了SWLP提供的所有六个专业学习课程. 课程层次包括课程设计, 单元设计, 技术, 365333客户端下载, 差异化教学与领导力发展.

我相信许多新教师面临的一个主要挑战是如何设计和有效地交付, meaningful and relevant lessons on a daily basis that systematically move students into higher levels of linguistic proficiency and cultural competence. SWLP课程设计项目链模拟了通过设计理解(向后规划)的概念。, by showing how it functioned in world language teaching and how to plan lessons using this concept by setting the learning target and then by planning instructional strategies that support students through different stages in their learning and lead them to attain the desirable learning goal. This program provided me with a magic “toolbox” that was full of instructional strategies which I could apply in my next day teaching. 除了, the SWLP “Teachers 教学 Teachers” program design immediately put me in contact with a group of educators that had experienced every single one of the challenges that I was experiencing and as such motivated me to implement all of the instructional strategies that they were recommending. 现在,当我回顾我在SWLP方面的经验时, I believe that I have learned as much from my colleagues who do not teach Chinese as I have from those who do. 例如, 考虑到汉语的特殊字符和特点, 我观察到, 而罗马语言的一些活动并不直接适用于我自己的汉语教学环境, they provided me with the opportunity to think deeply of how I could make them applicable; it was through this reflective thinking process that I feel I have grown the most as a professional educator and member of the world language teaching profession.

Another professional learning opportunity that has shaped me as a language educator was serving in the role of Cooperating Teacher for the Stanford Teacher Education Program since 2011. I have benefited greatly from the unique experience of mentoring a Teacher Candidate and reflecting jointly on instructional practices and learner performance that results from a specific instructional strategy. 同时进行教学实践的分享和建模, I have been reminded how important it is for the Teacher Candidates to be given the space to offer their ideas, 有机会实现它们吗, 然后反思他们在支持学生学习方面的影响力. New ideas may not work in the first try; but by reflecting on what worked and what did not, we all benefit from the process and often a newly refined strategy emerges that works the next time and much professional learning has been accomplished in the process of generating new knowledge. The outcome of being a Cooperating Teacher provides me with a sense of renewal and professional growth that directly influences my future practices and impacts student learning.

在专业成长和发展方面,暑假一直是我最享受的时光. 在过去的九年里,我有机会在几个STARTALK节目中授课. My biggest take-away is that STARTALK always challenges me to engage in high-leverage instructional practices that provide for maximum student performance. 这些实践包括几乎完全使用目标语言, 检查整节课的理解情况, 设计主题单元和课程, 365333客户端下载学生在所有三种交流模式下的表现-解释性, 人际关系和表象. The process of learning and implementing these instructional practices can be challenging; yet, 它为我提供了一个加强我的教学技能的机会, and ensures that my practices translate into positive messages to all of my students that they all can learn the language and culture and to achieve real world purposes. 尽管, 经过四周密集的课程后,我可能会感到身体疲惫, I am mentally reinvigorated with new ideas and instructional approaches that I can employ in my regular academic-year professional assignment.

在学年期间, I also feel grateful to be surrounded by a group of eight talented and hardworking Chinese language teachers working in five different high schools within our school district. 三年前, our school district encouraged teachers teaching the same subject to more closely collaborate with each other and develop a common curriculum. 通过这些合作努力, we learn from each other’s knowledge and expertize and the outcome has been yet another source of professional growth for me as well as my colleagues. 我们为所有五所学校的中国四年级优等生制定了一个共同的项目和365333客户端下载标准. Collectively analysis of the data and students’ work samples provides us with an in-depth understanding of students’ performance as well as a platform to reflect on how we can better support student learning in the future.

All of the above professional growth opportunities have shaped me into the language teaching professional that I am today and have had a profound impact on my students’ learning and performance. I attribute the successes from my Level I students to those who have obtained scores of 4s and 5s on their Advanced Placement (AP) exams to the professional growth opportunities that I have had the good fortune to participate in over the years. 然而, 我觉得我还有很多东西要学,随着我的职业发展, 我的学生在语言和文化能力方面也是如此.







Dr. 威廉·门尼斯小学,维恩兰,新泽西

